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"Ten Actionable Principles of Successful Business and Killer Magic" by Mitch Praver

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The CEO Magician

Transform your next Corporate, Sales & Board retreats

Create a space where innovation can thrive

Challenge what’s possible – inspire the impossible

Create a uniquely memorable, relevant  & entertaining experience

By someone uniquely qualified

As a successful C-level executive & Award-winning magician

Why Hire The CEO Magician?

The CEO Magician is uniquely qualified to understand and help your business unlock mindsets and expand notions to challenge what’s possible, and inspire the impossible in a rapidly-changing marketplace.

Tailor this unique presentation to your company’s current needs and objectives, and transform your next offsite or retreat from a standard, typical function to a memorable and enjoyable experience for all.

What Makes The CEO Magician Unique?

The CEO Magician combines a passion for business with a passion for professional corporate magic to share some of the overlapping principles of successful business and killer magic.

He should know. As a successful C-level executive, he has held senior leadership positions at some of the strongest established brands and early-stage companies in the U.S.:

  • National Geographic, President of Digital

  • NPR, Chief Operating Officer

  • Discovery Channel, Head of Digital Distribution

  • Verizon FiosTV, Head of Content

  • Lifetime Television, Head of Programming

  • SundaySky, President

  • DEVEXI, LLC, CEO/President & Co-Founder

  • The Fifth Beatle Skills Network, CEO & Co-Founder

He is also an award-winning magician and certified member of both these esteemed organizations:

  • The International Brotherhood of Magicians

  • The Society of American Magicians

How can The CEO Magician help exceed expectations of your next company offsite or retreat?

We can customize a no-risk, high-reward performance to address and reinforce your company objectives for the meeting.  Each of the key business success principles is illustrated in an original, memorable way that audience members will remember long after the event.

Let’s chat about how The CEO Magician can help you be successful with your next:

  • management retreat

  • sales offsite and

  • board of directors gathering.

Certified Member of IBM & SAM


Successful C-Level Corporate Executive

What Types of Corporate Events Are Best-Suited for The CEO Magician?

Our Services Tailored To Meet Your Needs

Corporate Retreats

Create entertaining and memorable event to help think differently, see clearly “inside” & “outside” the box, avoid blindspots, and unlock creative problem-solving and innovation.

Board Gatherings

Engage Board members with an insightful, entertaining and unique approach to leverage best practices for successful companies, inspire the possible and challenge the impossible.

Sales Offsite Meetings

Motivate and inspire sales teams through a one-of-a-kind event to address challenges by leveraging underlying principles of successful magic.

Corporate Zoom Calls

Unique made-for-Zoom magic performances for virtual corporate or sales team video calls. The CEO Magician is uniquely qualified to create an entertaining, engaging and insightful performance…even virtually!  

Why Hire The CEO Magician?

Think Differently & Unlock Your Team’s Potential

Actionable Principles That Underlie


Successful Business & Killer Magic 

Ability To Create Something From Nothing For Competitive Advantage

Ability To Differentiate Brand For Product-Market Sync

Ability To
Change To Respond To Dynamic Business Conditions

Ability To Create culture of Continuous
Improvement& Innovation

Ability To Simplify
Complexity & Keep Focus On Customer Needs

Ability To Avoid Blind Spots To Mitigate Major Risks

Ability To Take Advantage of Missed Opportunities to Leverage Strengths 

    Ability To Overcome Human Challenges & Market Obstacles 

 Ability To Create
A Team Collective To Pivot  & Achieve Success


 Ability To Surprise
& Delight To Exceed Customer Expectations

The CEO Magician in Action

Video: MagiCuba Magic Competition


1:25 – There was something magical about doing the whole show in the local language, connecting to the locals. It was a lot of effort and was well worth it.”

2:00 – The MagiCuba festival was a great success. The feedback we’re receiving from the Cuban people was phenomenal. Everyone was amazed.”

Podcast Interview: The Magic Word


2:15 – “The level of talent at this MagiCuba conference is very intimidating. We’re here with some of the best magicians in the world. But I thought that sometimes it’s good to get out of your comfort zone. It was one of those ‘what the heck’ moments when you say let’s just do it, throw caution to the wind and compete in the One Trick Challenge Competition.”

4:50 – “The theme of the trick I chose to use in the competition was the theme of a blind magician. I’ve been really impressed over the years with how magicians who have physical challenges overcome these challenges to become outstanding magicians.”

7:25 – “I created a routine that had context that made sense that I had the opportunity, while at National Geographic, to travel the world and see the top magicians who overcame physical challenges. I felt that if I could convince the audience that it wasn’t a trick, it would be a miracle.”

Radio Interview: Choose To Be Curious


4:40 – “Most people have never seen world-class, professional close-up magic. These magicians spend their lives creative magic moments that take minutes to perform, but take months or even years to learn and decades to develop.”

7:00 – “Magic doesn’t occur in the hands of the magician as most people think. it occurs in the minds of the spectators. You can study all you want, but if you’re not performing people, you’re just practicing. My focus is to operate in the space — in magic and in business — between the improbable and the impossible — something that takes us outside of our typical understanding of what’s possible and what is not.”

19:00 – “In terms of creating and implementing strategy, thinking like a magician helps you think problems through to the solutions — how to best get from point A to point B.”

Performance for IBM Ring 50

The Lyceum in Old Town, Alexandria


Performance for Next-Gen Business Leaders at Georgetown University


Mitch Praver, aka The CEO Magician, presents a lecture to next-generation business leaders at Georgetown University.  In this unique presentation, he discussed success principles of entrepreneurship, intrapreneurship and solopreneurship illustrated by memorable and entertaining magic effects.


Print: International Brotherhood of Magicians (Ring 50) Feature


Page 1 – “The great outside influences on my magic would have to be: 1. surrealism art, walking the fine line between possible and impossible, 2. playing piano, injecting passion and feeling into the art of magic, 3. as a kid, experiencing what is called ‘kayfabe’ in professional wrestling, walking the fine line between the ‘real’ and the ‘fake’, 4. the impact of sports in NYC when the underdog Mets, Knicks and Jets, all made the impossible…possible, and 5. the impact of Broadway musicals during my formative years such as ‘Pippin’ and Doug Henning’s ‘The Magic Show’.”

Page 2 – “My routines are distinctive and thematic, walking the fine line between possible and impossible, not treating effects as puzzles to be solved.”

Page 2 – “I am most excited for the future of magic about the impact of international schools of magic thought, and the impact of women and people of color in the magic community.”

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